I have big plans in the crafting department for 2012. Especially about posting to my blog. See, I actually do a whole lot of projects that I do not blog about. I have quite a few on my camera that I never uploaded, etc.
So I am making a resolution for 2012: at least two tutorial posts a month. So this post doesn't count. (Unless you interpret it as a tutorial on how NOT to do something, see my Christmas rant, below.)
I know, I know, two per month doesn't sound like a lot. But I figure if I set my goals low, I will accomplish them. And I already have many of my projects mapped out.
This year, I plan to do at least one home decor project and one Christmas project per month. Why Christmas? Because I hated, HATED my Christmas decor this year. This was my tree:
Pitiful. We go out to our friend's property and cut our own tree every year, so they are not the variety sold at the stores. They are very natural and extremely imperfect. Not that imperfect is bad, but I don't think I did a very good job in working with the natural look.
And color: drab.
So my goal this year is to plan and execute my Christmas decor projects throughout the year, so I don't get so overwhelmed come November by the amount of projects I would like to do. So if you are a fan of Christmas, stay tuned!
I also plan to up the content of my Etsy store, Retro Fresh Vintage. I have been taking thrift store finds and transforming them into useful modern decor. While I will not post tutorials for these projects, I will provide a link an updates on this site. If you follow me on Pinterest, you will see these projects there, too.
Time to get crafting. And blogging!
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